Student assistants use the Kronos time system to record hours worked in Paddock Library. There is a tab for Kronos on the circulation computer and you can also access the system by searching for “kronos Dartmouth” in the browser. Use your NetID and password to sign in. You will be alerted by email after the library supervisor enters you in the system with a message containing helpful information along with a link to a video you should watch.
Be careful in selecting the correct job number in the “transfer” column for your shift:
C3849 Paddock Student Assistant for day hours.
We also have a daily check-in sheet on the Google Drive for student assistants to sign in at the beginning of each work shift. The Library Supervisor uses these along with Kronos entries to approve hours before payment.
Pay checks are sent to your Hinman Box the week after time sheets have been submitted or you can request direct deposit by either calling the payroll office: (603) 646-2697 or visiting their website to download the forms.
During term breaks (intersession), you may request your paycheck be sent to your home address by contacting the payroll office.