Seja o que deus quiser

seja-o-que-deus-quiser-posterget it nowDirector(s): Murilo Salles

Writer(s): João Emanuel Carneiro

Actor(s): Marília Pêra, Rocco Pitanga, Débora Lamm, Caio Junqueira, Ludmila Rosa, Marcelo Serrado, Nicete Bruno

Production Co.: Europa Filmes

Country: Brazil

Year: 2002

Language and subtitle information: In Portuguese, subtitles in English and French

Format: DVD


Summary: “Cacá, a VJ who works for São Paulo MTV, comes to Rio de Janeiro to make a report about a new band, whose members are poor and live in a slum called Morro do Alemão. She spends the night with PQD, one of the musicians. The next day, Cacá is attacked by two street kids who wanted some money, and thinks PQD is somehow involved. With the police chasing him, PQD decides to go to São Paulo to see Cacá and prove his innocence, but he meets Cacás brother, Nando, who tries to convince him to take part in a scam.”

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