Brava gente Brasileira

240px-Brava_Genteget it nowDirector(s): Lúcia Murat

Writer(s): Lúcia Murat

Actor(s): Diogo Infante, Floriano Peixoto, Luciana Rigueira, Leonardo Villar, Buza Ferraz, Murilo Grossi, Sérgio Mamberti, Aleílson Silva, Vanessa Marcelino, Sandra Silva, William Soares

Production Co.: Europa Filmes

Country: Brazil

Year: 2000

Language and subtitle information: Portuguese with optional English, French and Spanish subtitles

Format: DVD


Summary: Diego, a Portuguese cartographer, is sent to the New Word in 1778 to make a topographical survey of the Portuguese colonies in South America. The soldiers there have a hostile relationship with the native peoples (the Guaycuruan Indians) who are considered “uncivilized” and have “very strange” customs. While there, Diego is forced by Captain Pedro to participate in an act of violence against a helpless group of native women.

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