Director(s): Sérgio Bloch, Tânia Lamarca
Writer(s): Cláudia Levay, Reinaldo Moraes
Actor(s): Eunice Baía, Caio Romei, Jairo Mattos, Branca Camargo, Betty Erthal, Luiz Carlos Tourinho, Marcos Apolo
Production Co.: Europa Filmes
Country: Brazil
Year: 2000
Language and subtitle information: In Portuguese.
Format: DVD
Summary: Tainá is an eight year-old girl who lives with her grandfather on a beautiful stretch of the Rio Negro, in the middle of the Amazon rainforest. She meets a big city boy, Joninho, who is interested only in computer games and fast-food restaurants until, with Tainá’s help, he learns to overcome his fear of animals. And, as the story unfolds, the two children come to understand and respect the values of their very different worlds: the city and the forest.
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