Cazuza: o tempo não pára

200px-Cazuza_-_O_Tempo_Não_Páraget-it-nowDirector(s): Sandra Werneck, Walter Carvalho

Writer(s): Fernando Bonassi, Victor Navas

Actor(s): Daniel de Oliveira, Marieta Severo, Reginaldo Farias, Emílio de Mello, Andréa Beltrão, Leandra Leal, André Gonçalves, Cadu Favero

Production Co.: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment

Country: Brazil

Year: 2004

Language and subtitle information: In Portuguese; optional subtitles in Portuguese, English and Spanish

Format: DVD


Summary: “The life and times of Cazuza, Brazilian singer/poet/enfant terrible, from his start with rock group “Barão Vermelho”, to his death from Aids in 1990, showing his career, love affairs, and involvement with drugs”–IMDb plot outline.

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