Director: Tetê Moraes
Writer(s): José Joffily, Tetê Moraes
Actor(s): Bolívar Anoni, Cerly, Dante de Oliveira, Ema, Marcos Freire, Padre Arnildo Fritzen, Luci, Nélson Ribeiro, Rita, Rose, Lucélia Santos, José Sarney, Zé, Zé
Production Co.: Seleções DVD
Country: Brazil
Year: 2000
Language and subtitle information: Portuguese dialogue ; Portuguese, English, Spanish and French subtitles
Format: DVD
Summary: The first film tells the story of landless peasants who camped on an unused private farm in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. In the second film, the director goes back to the same location ten years later to find out what happened.
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