Espelho Mágico

dvd-espelho-magico-manoel-de-oliveira-marisa-paredes_MLB-O-199264466_5713get-it-now1Director: Manoel de Oliveira

Writer(s): Manoel de OliveiraAgustina Bessa-Luís (novel)

Actor(s): Leonor Silveira, Ricardo Trêpa, Marisa Paredes, Michel Piccoli, Lima Duarte

Production Co.: Paris Filmes

Country: Portugal

Year: 2005

Language and subtitle information: In Portuguese; optional English and Portuguese subtitles

Format: DVD


Summary: “Luciano, fresh out of jail, was taken by his brother, Florido, to serve in the home of wealthy Alfreda. He was surprised when she told him that her greatest desire was to see the Virgin Mary …”–IMDb plot summary.

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