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[fblike]get-it-now11245082999_ficacomigoestanoiteposter02Director: João Falcão

Writer(s): João Falcão, Adriana Falcão, Tatiana Maciel

Actor(s): Vladimir Brichta, Laura Cardoso, Gustavo Falcão, Alinne Moraes

Production Co.: Buena Visa Home Entertainment

Country: Brazil

Year: 2006

Language and subtitle information: In Portuguese; optional English, Portuguese, and Spanish subtitles

Format: DVD


Summary: “The musician and writer of the comic book “Ghost with Heart of Stone” Eduardo meets the gorgeous Laura, who is engaged and close to her marriage, in a bookstore and immediately they fall in love for each other. Sooner they get married, and one night, Eduardo unexpectedly dies, but his soul does not move to the Third World. He meets the Ghost with Heart of Stone stranded in his house, stalking his beloved next door neighbor D. Mariana and he asks to the ghost how he can communicate and say farewell to Laura”–IMDb plot summary.

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