
get-it-now11araguaya_filmeDirector: Ronaldo Duque

Writer(s): Ronaldo Duque, Guilherme Reis, Paula Simas

Actor(s): Stephane Brodt, Fernanda Maiorano, William Ferreira, Cacá Amaral, Danton Mello, Françoise Forton, Northon Nascimento

Production Co.: Paris Filmes

Country: Brazil

Year: 2004

Language and subtitle information: In Portuguese; optional subtitles in English or Portuguese

Format: DVD


Summary: A fictional film about the Araguaya guerrilla. In the 1970s, when Brazil was ruled by a military dictatorship, some left-wing militants and peasants took arms against the Army, in the Araguaya River area. This film is narrated from the viewpoint of Padre Chico, a French missionary who came to the region in the early 1960s.

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