Bellini e o demônio

get-it-now11200px-Bellini_e_o_DemonioDirector: Marcelo Galvão

Writer(s): Theodoro Fontes, Marisa Ferrari, Marcelo Galvão

Actor(s): Fábio Assuñçao, Rosane Mulholland, Nill Marcondes, Beto Coville, Caroline Abras, Luiza Curvo, Mariana Clara

Production Co.: Imagem Filmes

Country: Brazil

Year: 2006

Language and subtitle information: Dialogue in Portuguese; with optional English or French subtitles

Format: DVD


Summary: “Bellini and the Devil, tells the story of detective Remo Bellini, who gets pulled into a web of death and mysteries that take him to a world of illusions where everything around him is a self created fantasy. He’s taken by this evil inside that makes him lose a sense of reality with visions, anguish and loneliness where everything surrounding him takes him down a path of no return. He can’t understand what’s happening to him but the deaths surrounding him are getting closer and closer. It’s a race against time before it’s all too late”–IMDb.

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