Director: Mauro Lima
Writer: Cláudia Levay
Actor(s): Eunice Baía, Vitor Morosini, Arilene Rodrigues, Kadu Moliterno, Chris Couto, Rui Polanah, Aramis Trinidadde, Leandro Hassum
Production Co.: Sony Picture Home Entertainment
Country: Brazil
Year: 2004
Language and subtitle information: In Portuguese; optional English, Spanish or Portuguese subtitles
Format: DVD
Summary: Tainá is Amazonian Indian girl who lives on a beautiful stretch of the Rio Negro, in the middle of the Brazilian rain forest. She and a band of children try to fight poachers and illegal loggers. When 6 year-old Catiti goes missing chasing after a dog, Tainá has her hands full.
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