Última parada 174

ULTIMA PARADA 174get-it-now11Director: Bruno Barreto

Writer: Bráulio Mantovani

Actor(s): Michel Gomes, Cris Vianna, Gabriela Luiz, Marcelo Melo Jr, Anna Cotrim, Tay Lopez

Production Co.: Paramount Pictures

Country: Brazil

Year: 2008

Language and subtitle information: In Portuguese; optional English or Portuguese subtitles

Format: DVD


Summary: A woman unable to pay a debt has her baby taken away from her by a drug dealer. She becomes determined to find her boy after getting her life in order. Another boy finds his mother murdered and runs away to Copacabana where he is caught up in the world of drug use and dealing. Eventually he finds himself in a juvenile detention home and meets the woman’s lost son. The woman makes her way to the center, and mistakes the boy for her own lost son. Despite her efforts to help him, he eventually becomes the hostage-taker on Bus 174.

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