O céu de Suely


get-it-now11O céu de Suely (2006)Director: Karim Aïnouz

Writers: Mauricio Zacharias, Felipe Bragnaça

Actors: Hermila Guedes, Maria Menezes, Georgina Castro, João Miguel, Zezita Matos, Mateus Alves, Gerkson Carlos

Production Co.: Video Filmes, Celluloid Dreams, Shotgun Pictures

Country: Brazil

Year: 2006

Language: Dialogue in Portuguese, with optional English, Spanish or French subtitles.

Format: DVD

Summary: After two years in São Paulo, Hermila, a 21-year-old single mother, returns to the small city of Iguatu with her child to wait for the child’s father, who promises to return with money and support. While she’s waiting, Hermila stays with her grandmother and aunt, and makes money by selling tickets to a lottery that will never take place. She befriends a young prostitute and becomes the talk of the town– but not necessarily in a good way. What happens then is a surprise to everyone.

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