História de amor: especial TV Globo 40 anos

dvd-historia-de-amor-especial-tv-globo-40-anos-15014-MLB20094410921_052014-Oget-it-now11Director: Fabrício Mamberti

Writer(s): Euclydes Marinho, Rafael Dragaud

Actor(s): Adriana Esteves, Reynaldo Gianecchini, Isabelle Drummond, Ary Fontoura, Camila Pitanga

Production Co.: Globo Marcas

Country: Brazil

Year: 2006

Language and subtitle information: Portuguese dialogue

Format: DVD


Summary: Rosa is a girl like many others, with one foot in reality and one in fantasy. Novels and television have always been a huge part of her life. She meets someone more interesting in the real world, Zeca

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