A hora marcada

get-it-now11A Hora Marcada - www.tiodosfilmes.com-Director: Marcelo Taranto

Writer(s): Moisés Liporage, Marcelo Taranto

Actor(s): Gracindo Júnior, Osmar Prado, Cassia Kiss

Production Co.: Editora Europa

Country: Brazil

Year: 2000

Language and subtitle information: Portuguese, with optional English subtitles

Format: DVD


Summary: A wealthy and unscrupulous businessman, Mário Velásquez, meets a mysterious woman at a party, who tells him that he is going to die exactly seven years from that day. When that day arrives, he is kidnapped by a gang led by his former employee, who had gone to prison for trying to cheat his company. Mário tries to negotiate for his life, when the mysterious woman reappears.

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