Do começo ao fim (From beginning to end)

Cartaz Do comeo ao fim4.inddget it nowDirector: Aluízio Abranches

Writer: Aluízio Abranches

Actor(s): Lucas Cotrim, Gabriel Kaufmann, Rafael Cardoso, Joāo Gabriel Vasconcellos

Production Co.: Pequena Central/Lama Filmes

Country: Brazil

Year: 2009

Language and subtitle information: Dialogue in Portuguese, with optional English subtitles.

Format: DVD


Summary: Half brothers Francisco and Thomas develop a strange bond as children. They are affectionate and very protective of each other, and while their mother Julieta is concerned by their intimacy, she decides not to intervene. The rest of the family follows suit, and their lives continue peacefully…until Julieta’s death. Now grown men, Francisco and Thomas love flowers into something unashamedly romantic. And though fate conspires to separate them, they know, without a doubt, that they are meant to be together.

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