Memorial de Maria Moura

memorial_de_maria_mouraget-it-now11Director(s): Roberto Farias, Denise Saraceni, Mauro Mendonça Filho

Writer(s): Renato Campão, Jorge Furtado, Carlos Gerbase, Glênio Póvoas

Actor(s): Glória Pires, Marcos Palmeira, Christiana Oliveira, Leônidas Aguiar, Theresa Amayo, Jackson Antunes, Luiz Carlos Arutin, Joel Barcellos, Vicente Barcellos, Expedito Barreira, Camilo Beviláqua, Isabela Bicalho, Marcelo Bragança, and many others

Production Co.:  Globo

Country: Brazil

Year: 2004

Language and subtitle information: Portuguese dialogue

Format: DVD


Summary: In 19th century Brazil, women depended upon family, honour, and land. Maria loses all of these when she is only 17 years old. Her mother dies, her stepfather violates her, and her land goes to her greedy cousins. She must create a new life for herself.

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