A marvada carne

Screen Shot 2014-01-05 at 4.43.09 PMget-it-now11Director: André Klotzel

Writer(s): André Klotzel, Carlos Alberto Sofredini

Actor(s): Fernanda Torres, Adlison Barros, Regina Casé, Dionísio Azevedo, Chiquinho Brandão, Tio Celso, Henrique Lisboa, Lucéila Maquiavelli, Geny Prado, Paco Sanches, Tinoco, Tonico, Nelson Triunfo

Production Co.: SuperFilmes, Tatu Filmes

Country: Brazil

Year: 1985

Language: In Portuguese with subtitles in Portuguese, English and Spanish

Format: DVD


Summary: Nhô Quim lives alone with his dog and goat and dreams of eating red meat. He meets a young woman who is anxious to get married. The two come to an agreement, they will marry and her father will provide an ox for the wedding party.

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