Como era gostoso o meu francês (How Tasty Was My Little Frenchman)


como Director: Nelson Pereira dos Santos

Writers: Humberto Mauro (Tupi dialogue), Nelson Pereira dos Santos

Actors: Arduíno Colassanti, Ana Maria Magalhães, Eduardo Imbassahy Filho

Production Co.: Condor Filmes, Luiz Carlos Barreto Produções Cinematográficas, Regina Filmes

Country: Brazil

Year: 1971

Language: In Portuguese, French, and Tupi dialogue with optional English subtitles.

Format: DVD (or VHS)


Summary: The black comedy tells the story of a French adventurer who tries in vain to be accepted by a tribe of cannibals who has captured him. The tribe give him food, his own hut, and even a wife. The Frenchman strives to learn the ways of the tribe, hoping to figure out how to avoid his prescribed fate of being the main course of a ceremonial tribal dinner. Based on Hans Staden’s Hans Staden’s true history: an account of cannibal captivity in Brazil (1557).

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