
cartaz-macunac3admaget it nowDirector(s): Joaquim Pedro de Andrade

Writer(s): Joaquim Pedro de AndradeMário de Andrade (novel)

Actor(s): Grande Otelo, Paulo José, Jardel Filho, Dina Sfat, Milton Goncalves, Rodolfo Arena

Production Co.: VideoFilmes

Country: Brazil

Year: 1969

Language and subtitle information: In Portuguese; optional English, French and Spanish subtitles

Format: DVD


Summary: “In Macunaíma, cinema novo pioneer Joaquim Pedro de Andrade adapted a masterpiece of Brazilian modernism to reflect the simultaneous triumph of tropicalismo and onset of military dictatorship. Pure essence of 1969, the movie is a funny, freewheeling mélange of primitive myth and Busby Berkeley, hippie street theater and cabaret star Grande Otelo, glamorized urban guerrillas and documented candomblé rituals; it’s full of racial high jinks, with a free-floating cannibal metaphor applied most savagely to a capitalist ogre.”

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