
200px-Avassaladoras_filmeget-it-nowDirector: Mara Mourão

Writer(s): Melanie Dimantas, Tony Góes, Mara Mourão

Actor(s): Giovanna Antonelli, Reynaldo Gianecchini, Caco Ciocler, Rosi Campos, Ingrid Guilmarães, Chris Nicklas, Paula Cohen, Wellington Nogueira, Cristina Prochaska, Márcia Real, Marília Gabriela

Production Co.: Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment

Country: Brazil

Year: 2002

Language and subtitle information: In Portuguese; optional subtitles in English and Spanish

Format: DVD


Summary: “A year after her long time boyfriend showed up at his surprise birthday party with an uninvited date, Laura hits rock bottom and decides to try her luck at a dating agency. This attractive, 30 year old successful graphic designer with a captivating personality hasn’t had a good date in over a year, and she’s not alone – her best friends share the same problem. They all dream about finding their prince charming, and all too often settle for the frog. At the agency, instead of Mr. Right, Laura meets Miguel, who has all the signs of Mr. Wrong: he’s a blue-collar, unpolished simple man. They seem to have nothing in common. However, there just might be more to him than meets the eye. Things really heat up when sparks sizzle between her and her new colleague at work, Tiago, an irresistible, compulsive womanizer”–IMDb plot summary.

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