Como fazer um filme de amor

get-it-nowComoFazerUmFilmeDirector: José Roberto Torero

Writer(s): José Roberto Torero, Luiz Moura

Actor(s): Denise Fraga, Cassio Gabus Mendes, Marisa Orth, André Abujamra, Paulo José

Production Co.: Videofilmes

Country: Brazil

Year: 2004

Language and subtitle information: In Portuguese; optional subtitles in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish

Format: DVD


Summary: “Laura and Alan fall in love, but have to deal with the strange death of Alan’s wife and with a rival, Lilith, who wants to break their relationship. At the same time, a narrator gives lessons on how to make a love story movie, exposing all clichés on that kind of film”–IMDb plot summary.

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