Raiz forte (Strong roots)

raiz-forteget-it-now1Director(s): Aline Sasahara, Maria Luisa Mendonça

Writer(s): Aline Sasahara, Maria Luisa Mendonça

Actor(s): N/A

Production Co.: Cinema Guild

Country: Brazil

Year: 2001

Language and subtitle information: In Portuguese with English subtitles

Format: DVD


Summary: The Landless Movement, MST, started in 1985 in response to the unequal distribution of land in Brazil, where 46% of all agricultural land is controlled by 1% of the people. The MST has won 16 million hectares of land for 300,000 families. It has built thousands of food production cooperatives and schools. The MST struggle is grounded in Constitutional law, which decrees that land must fulfill a social function. Today, 100,000 families prepare to occupy land in order to feed themselves. They live in plastic tents, waiting for the chance to work their piece of Brazilian soil.

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