O bandido da luz vermelha


get-it-now11Director: Rogério Sganzeria

Writer: Rogério Sganzeria

Actors: Paulo Villaça, Luiz Linhares, Helena Ignês, Pagano Sobrinho, Roberto Luna

Production Co.: Distribuidora de Filmes Urânio Ltda.

Country: Brazil

Year: 1968

Language: In Portuguese; optional English subtitles.

Format: DVD

Summary: Restored DVD release of a motion picture originally released in 1968. “A panorama of a delirious society, threatened by a lonely criminal,” as described by the director in the English translation of his manifesto about the film. The Red Light Bandit, so called because he uses a red flashlight while robbing, raping and killing, is pursued by the police in an increasingly apocalyptic setting involving political corruption, terrorism and ultimately UFOs. The film is marked by dark humor.

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