Terras (Lands)

get it nowterras-bxDirector(s):  Maya da-Rin

Writer(s): Maya da-Rin

Actor(s): N/A

Production Co.: Cinema Guild

Country: Brazil

Year: 2009

Language and subtitle information: Portuguese with English subtitles

Format: DVD


Summary: “Surrounded by the Amazon rainforest, the twin cities of Leticia and Tabatinga and the village of Santa Rosa constitute a triple border between Brazil, Colombia and Peru. Beautifully photographed and researched, Lands explores the social and ecological impact of territorial limits, commerce and modernity on the lives of the local and indigenous population. … Directed by noted Brazilian filmmaker Maya da-Rin, Lands maps out the demarcations that, although not always visible, are present in these people’s daily lives. The borders, after all, are everywhere and nowhere in this land. In addition, the film looks at the concept of nationality and territorial limits, the relationship between urban cities and the Amazon, the contact between traditional indigenous cultures and contemporary modes of life, and the exchange between three South American countries.”

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