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MV5BMjAwODA2NDc3MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTE3NjUyMQ@@._V1_SY317_CR1,0,214,317_get it nowDirector(s): Bruno Barreto

Writer(s): Alexandre Machado, Fernanda Young

Actor(s): Amy Irving, Antonio Fagundes, Alexandre Borges, Drica Moraes, Giovanna Antonelli

Production Co.: Sony Pictures Classics, Globo Filmes

Country: Brazil

Year: 2000

Language and subtitle information: Dialogue in Portuguese with optional soundtrack in English and with optional subtitles in English, Portuguese and Spanish

Format: DVD


Summary: Weaves together three overlapping triangles: Mary Ann, a widowed American schoolteacher who has given up on ever finding love again; Pedro, a suave attorney dealing with a separation from his wife; and Tania, (the wife) who may want him back. Then there’s Roberto, Pedro’s shy brother, who works for their father in his tailor shop; Acácio, a handsome soccer champ soon to be transplanted to England; Sharon, a feisty law intern; and lastly, the hopeful Nadine, a young bohemian who thinks she’s found the man of her dreams on the Internet.

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