Os desafinados

os-desafinados-www.tiodosfilmes.com-get-it-now11Director: Walter Lima Júnior

Writer: Walter Lima Júnior

Actor(s): Rodrigo Santoro, Cláudia Abreu, Selton Mello, Alessandra Negrini

Production Co.: Swen Filmes

Country: Brazil

Year: 2008

Language and subtitle information: In Portuguese

Format: DVD


Summary: “About a group of friends who come of age during the political turmoil that plagued Brazil in the 1960’s and 70’s. Together, these musicians form a band called “Os Desafinados” and become a part of the groundbreaking Brazilian musical movement called Bossa Nova”–IMDb plot

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on “Os desafinados
4 Comments on “Os desafinados
  1. This film, by Walter Lima Junior, explores the tension between composers and the people who are monetizing the songs. The film follows a musical group of young Brazilians and their search for fame through music. Although I personally did not like this film, it is great for anyone who wants to learn more about the Bossa Nova movement and how it fit in with what was happening historically in Brazil.

  2. “Os desafinados” is an amazing film that aptly shows the process of a group of Brazilian friends trying to “make it big” in the United States. Although this film may at first seem like a generic film about musicians the fact that this journey takes place during the military dictatorship brings in a different element. I definitely recommend this film for anyone who is studying the history of Brazilian music or for anyone looking for a good film in general.

  3. “Os desafinados” translated to English as ‘Slightly Out Of Tune’ recalls the telling story of a group of friends that grew up in the turmoil of the Brazilian military dictatorship in the in the 1960’s and 70’s. Together, these fiends follow their dreams and form a band called “Os Desafinados” . Soon enough they are a quintessential part of the Brazilian musical movement called Bossa Nova. I recommend this film for anyone who is interested in either Brazilian music of the 20th century.

  4. “Os desafinados” is one of the best films I’ve watched this year. It combines exciting plot with romance and individual and communal struggle. It is presented in the form of a series of flashbacks as told by 4 of the 5 members of a musical group called Os Desafinados, that like many other artists of the 60s, 70s, early 80s in Brazil (during the military dictatorship) were never able to realize their full potential due to censors placed on them and severe oppression. This movie is provoking and hopeful and sad all at the same time.

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